I had a recent conversation at work with a few wise folks and one or two misguided individuals on the subject of best candy. A special shout out to Alex for getting the conversation rolling on such an important topic in the world today. Now for the sweet stuff.
Overall Best Candy
Most of my uninformed friends have probably not experienced pure bliss. However, as usually does, I will guide you to enlightenment. The over best candy award goes to the Starburst Jellybean. There are lesser people in the world (Tim), who don't think that any jellybean belongs anywhere on the list. However, those people are wrong. Go buy a bag of Starburst Jellybeans today if you have never ventured down this path. A shout out goes to Skittles, and Sour Patch Kids for a strong showing in the voting.
Candy Bar
It is important to know that I have pre-defined "Candy Bar" as being just that, a bar. The furthest stretch I accept in this categorization is the KitKat. However, as good as the KitKat is, my personal favorite and therefore the correct answer is the Snickers Bar.
Current World Rankings
Below are the current world rankings for candy of all types. Since is the official home of the candy world rankings I have added a survey below to allow others to make suggestions to the list. Please note, Big League Chew is a gum and Snicker's Ice Cream is just that and therefore do not qualify. In fairness to the bad side I have not tried most of you mainly because of your poor packaing. Here we go:
The Top 20:
The ones that shouldn't be made: